A future without work
1 in 4 retirees find the transition more difficult than expected. That's because people plan financially, but very few take time to prepare emotionally. Download my FREE CHECKLIST which helps you focus more on yourself, and less on your bank balance.
FREE CHECKLIST - Me in my retirement

Ready for a new life stage
On a stress scale of 1 through 100, retirement scores an alarming 45. Leaving work and entering a new life stage is one of the biggest transitions we'll encounter. We must adapt ourselves and ensure our future years will be gratifying and fulfilling. Preparation is key!
Retire READY offers unique programs and online courses to ensure you get the most out of retirement!
What people are saying ...
Diane Laforte
Montreal, Canada
"My first week into retirement I took Sonja's course and was shocked at how unprepared I was. Why hadn't anyone told me these things? I was so busy right up to the day I retired that I really didn't think things through. The course is an excellent springboard to get you thinking and planning for your retirement. I wish I had done this earlier!"
Peter Jones
Sydney, Australia
"This course was a real eye-opener for me. For the past 35 years, I worked in finance and naturally I focused on financial security for my retirement. I’ve been looking forward to travelling the world, yet after doing the values adjuster exercise in the course, I was surprised to find it ranking #10 on my list. I realized I don't need a lot of money in retirement to be happy, and that's a big relief!"
Get a head start in planning and preparing yourself for your post-work years, so you'll be ready and eager to embrace this wonderful time of life!
Retire READY offers two ways to support you
1. Hybrid: group workshops with colleagues during work hours & coursework done in your time.
2. DIY: choose to do it yourself, in your space, at your pace, (flexible, affordable + accessible).

For EMPLOYERS and their employees
After decades of committing to a work career, it can be daunting and disorientating to face a future without a job or title. Using a multi-disciplinary approach this comprehensive program enables groups of your employees to be excited about their future without losing self-worth, purpose, fulfillment, connection, and other positive benefits linked with work. Reward your employees at all levels by offering them the emotional and psychological boost they deserve. Give them the opportunity to get ahead and gain the right mindset so when it's time, they'll be ready to embrace and thrive in this next life stage.
Support your older EMPLOYEES
The benefits and smiles are worth it!

For YOU, friends, or relatives
Whether it's in six years or 6 months, this course gets you to reflect and plan your transition from living a work-life to embracing a more relaxed life stage. In just three modules reduce uncertainty, eliminate your constraints, and gain insight into building the life you want! Invest in yourself and your future — tend to your emotional and psychological health just like you do your financial wealth — so you can get the best out of your post-work years. Be inspired and get motivated with this practical and affordable online course and create a personal roadmap to a future you'll love, one that's active, engaging, fun, and fulfilling!
Invest in YOURSELF
Plan now so you can thrive later!
Live the life you want, while you can!

Hi, I’m Sonja.
Retirement can be an exciting and rewarding time of life, and I want you to maximize this precious time and live your best years! Having dedicated 30 years working with retirees and researching retirement, I guarantee for a successful retirement experience it's best to plan and prepare in advance.
Let me ask, would you run a marathon without doing any training? Or buy a house without having done research? That's unlikely. So, why wouldn't you get yourself well-prepared and ready for one of life's biggest transitions.
Carve out time now to invest in yourself and your future. Through my online course, you'll get the right knowledge, insight and mindset to get yourself ready so you can embrace the life you want, while you can!
BOOK A CALL with SonjaRosemary Ruths-Jackson
Texas, USA
"I put this off. I thought I didn't need to hear about retirement. Oh was I wrong!! Your poignant content has given me food for thought, moved my next steps to the front of my mind, and made me realize that the complexity of what's ahead is a mental game. I loved the course, especially the vision board. For the first time, I am determining my own path to suit my needs without guilt. Thank you for this. This is a beautiful and much-needed course."
YOUR FUTURE is approaching fast!
It's time to PREPARE
YOURSELF for this next stage.
It can be more PERSONAL than financial
- How will you feel and value yourself without a job, a title, or a work identity?
- What interests will fill your non-work hours, structure your day, and keep you active, engaged, and fulfilled?
- Without daily connections with colleagues, where will you find diverse, stimulating, and regular social interaction?
Presuming you have plenty of TIME
- Will you regret things you didn't or couldn't do because you kept delaying your retirement?
- Will you lose valuable time stuck in the past treading water, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed whilst trying to navigate your future?
- How will you guard and manage your unknown time against the increasing demands and expectations of others?
UNSURE of what to expect, UNCERTAIN of what to do
- What purpose will drive you forward, that's enriching, engaging, and gives your life meaning?
- How will you liberate yourself from work and be open to a life doing what you want, without feeling guilty?
- From dream to reality - aside from a bucket list, do you have realistic plans and a clear direction to get to where you want to be?
Get informed and get READY
Invest in yourself and your future!
Make your transition a leap of confidence with rewarding experiences, not a leap of fear and worry with unknown outcomes. Sign up for the Retire to Thrive online course to get yourself ready and excited for this next chapter of your life!
Feedback from online course participants ...
Debra Ford
Sydney, Australia
"Sonja is great at showing the many ways you can live these years to their fullest, and it's a relief knowing there are so many possibilities and opportunities you can look forward to. The course made me conscious that I need to start putting things in place now for my future because it takes time and commitment to work through it all. Retirement doesn't just happen; you must make it what you want for yourself."
Diane Suppel
Sydney, Australia
“I delayed my retirement for too long, worried I would not have enough money to be financially independent. Sonja's course was invaluable, the catalyst for my decision to stop putting it off any longer. Her fresh and positive approach helped declutter my mind, muted my fears, and imbued optimism into my future. Three months after completing the course, I stopped working and have not looked back. I love being retired!”