Are you ready to embrace a fun and fulfilling life without full-time work?

Hi, I'm Sonja Mitchell.

I get you primed and willing to embark on this exciting new life stage! As a retirement transition, lifestyle educator, and founder of Retire READY, I'm keen and more than qualified to get you there!!

WHO I am

Experienced - Decades of life experience (I'm not that far behind you).  Over 10 years working with Government and NGOs - lobbying and advocating on behalf of retirees for appropriate services that are affordable, equitable, and accessible; initiating and promoting engagement in various social, cultural, educational, health, and well-being programs. And previously, managed special events and fundraising campaigns at both local and state levels, as well as staff/volunteer training and development.

Qualified - Bachelor of Arts in Leisure Management with a major in Ageing.  Credible, up-to-date, and ongoing research. Additional studies in adult education, as well as online course creation.   

Visionary - Fuelled by personal interest, my passion has morphed over 15 years and has been tested, validated, and welcomed by many. And now, my online courses are at the forefront of reducing the gap in educational support for individuals transitioning to this next stage in their lifecycle.

"Let's get you ready to thrive in a new life stage and maximize these precious years!"

WHY I do it

Both as a child and young adult who shared an abundance of quality time with my grandparents, I saw life through a different lens. Unbeknownst to me, a small seed was planted.

Approaching my 30's I pursued a more meaningful direction in life.  I relinquished full-time employment from a prominent position to become a full-time student and obtained my BA in Leisure Management. This experience helped me understand the colossal jump individuals encounter going from employee to retiree.  And thus, the seed began to grow.

During my research, it became evident to me that aside from financial planning, personal preparation is often forgotten and overlooked.  We're alone in navigating one of the most significant transitions we'll ever make. With so little education or support readily available, I had my light bulb moment, having done all the legwork, I can improve the status quo by sharing my expertise. Why? A little help can have a big impact, and after decades of work-life, we deserve this!

"With the right approach and preparation, retirement can be everything you want it to be!"

HOW I do it

Think of me as your personal advisor, someone who inspires you to focus on your future, and motivates you to take action so you can move forward, and realize your goals. Like a swim coach identifying nuances to modify your stroke, I give guidance that you may be unaware you need.

There are many emotional and psychological stressors that come with shifting identity and navigating a new lifestyle in unknown territory.  That's why I encourage you to spend less time worrying about finances and more time on personal preparations. This is something you have more control over, will positively impact your future, and sustain your overall health and well-being. And by preparing in advance you'll be rewarded with the freedom to enjoy and thrive later.  

There is so much to look forward to in retirement (whatever shape or form) and when liberated from work constraints, life opens new opportunities, discoveries, and experiences - you're free to build the future you want! Together we get you on the path toward living and loving an active, engaging, fun, and fulfilling lifestyle.

"Take control and liberate yourself from constraints to do what you want, while you can!"


I get you ready for a new life stage. In other words, you will learn how to successfully go from point A (where you are now) to point B (what you want to be doing), as smoothly and stress-free as possible. 

Through provocative and engaging online courses and workshops, I provide the philosophies, strategies, and tools for you to plan and build a future you'll love and be eager to embrace.

Designed to be relevant, practical, and useful, upon completion of course modules and materials, you'll have a personal roadmap with realistic, actionable steps to steer your transition from a full workload to a more relaxed life stage. Plus, gain the right mindset and insight to know how you can maximize your unknown time and make them your best years.  

I love what I do, and the positive feedback from my 'students' (adults like you) inspires me to continually modify and adapt the content to our ever-changing needs.  The seed has come to fruition!

"It's time for action, your action, let's turn your dreams into reality!"


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